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5 rail tricks to master

16 december 2015
Rail riding is one of the funnest things to do in the parks and it’s really easy to do, once you know where to start. That’s why we came up with a list of 5 basic tricks to help you progress on the rails, they’re so easy that anyone can do them. You only need the right mindset and the right material! We recommend a board like the Concord and pair of EVO bindings, why you ask? Because the board has a ton off flex and is fast on the obstacles, making it the perfect rail board, for beginners and advanced riders. You don’t drive a Formula- 1 car through a residential neighborhood do you? So make sure your material is in order.

The basic of all rail tricks, the 50/50 is just a straight slide over the rails, nothing more and nothing less. Just make sure you have enough speed when doing this trick, so you can ride out the rail without any trouble. You’ll find that speed is key with this (and probably every railtrick) trick. That’s why we love the Concord because it’s fast as hell on the obstacles!

5 rail tricks to master

So you got the 50/50 down right?!? Try to improve the trick by throwing in a nosepress! The nosepress is a trick that brings style to the game, once done right. This will take a few tries because you need to find your balance with this trick. So how does it work? Bend you front knee towards the tip of your board and make yourself really small while doing so. Extend your back leg and gently put more weight on your front leg, this should lift the tail of your board and make a nice nosepress. But you’re not there yet, you need to stay in balance! This is where the handle comes in, press the handle downwards to maintain your balance and to seriously lock into your press. And there you have it, a well-executed nose press! The more flex your board has the better you can press, so make sure you get a flexie board!

5 rail tricks to master

So you got the nose press on lock but wait your board also has a tail! Yup, you guessed it, time to try a tail press. When doing a tail press it’s best to almost crouch down and throw your weight wait back. And then you extend your front leg, to lift up the tip of your board. You basically do the opposite of a nose press! One of our favorite things is to hand drag your way out when you do a tailpress. Press to play!

5 rail tricks to master

Backside Boardslide
This one is easy and once you got this, you’ll find it easy to balance on, ladies and gentleman: the Backside Board slide! So first of Backside means that your body (chest) is pointing towards the front,. That being said, that’s pretty much all there is to it. When you hit an obstacle you turn your chest to the front and the rest of your body (and wakeboard) will follow! In the beginning it’s easier to stay low for a better balance, once you’re at the end of the obstacle you turn back. OR you can spin it out! Your choice, just saying…

5 rail tricks to master

Frontside Boardslide
Last but not least, the Frontside Board slide! And this one is a real looker, you know what Backside means so you can guess Frontside right? It’s when you point your back to the front, resulting in a Frontside trick. When doing this trick you just turn you back towards the front but you keep looking to the front, so you can spot your landing. Put a little bit more pressure on your toes, so you don’t fall on your back. But not too much because you board will slide underneath you if you do. Once you're at the end of the rail, you turn your body and prepare for the landing.

5 rail tricks to master

So now you got the basics down, so strap into your Jobe Concord and start throwing down some hammers! You can even combine them, making a trick even more stylish, like: a Back side Tail slide while pressing on the tail! The skies the limit!
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