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3 easy steps

6 januari 2016
Okay guys, in the last tutorial we talked about the Backroll to Revert, so it’s time for another trick tip. So this time we’re going to talk (or write) you through the railey, which is really easy but is about pure commitment. first off this trick takes commitment, did we say that already? Good! Because it’s the crucial part to making this trick happen! In short you need to grow air if you want to make this trick happen!

We already told you about edging but when you do a railey it’s more crucial to edge hard then with a Backroll. Why? Because you need air! A lot of air! More air, you need air harder than Matthew McConaughey in that chocking scene in Interstellar. So edge hard and really built up a lot of pressure to pull you out of the water.

Time to send it! And this is where you show what you’re made of!
Once you get pulled out the water you give into this pull by stretching your arms and slightly hop along. By doing this you make sure you go along with the force of the cable itself and don’t faceplant on the water first. Once you’re being pulled into the air, you stretch out your arms and eventually, your whole body. Once this is done you’ve completed the hardest part, so it’s time to take her down now.

In the air you have enough time to spot your landing and you can start to prepare for your landing. By giving a little pull on the cable, you can easily get your body underneath you again. Don’t pull to hard, you don’t want to make it a Railey to Blind or a 313 you ballsy Daredevil you! Give it a little pull and it will help you get your legs and feet beneath you. If you don’t do this in time you get a nasty front edge, a good ol’ scorpion and you might wonder how you got in the hospital. So don’t be a big shot and push it! It’s not really that dangerous but you don’t want to wait too long to prepare for your landing or you might regret it.

Once you land make sure you bend with your knees and bend LOW.
This will absorb the impact better and will make sure you ride it out clean and easy.

You can do a Railey on more occasions, this was a Railey as an invert. But you can do this trick from a kicker which is basically the same. Only difference: you can go even higher!
But you can also do it from the startdock, just make sure you pull your legs underneath you fast enough. So have fun learning this trick, variate, visualize and ask for tips from your local cable operator.

3 easy steps
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