2019 Wakeboard design update
9 januari 2018
As I told you about a couple of months ago, we’re currently working hard on the 2019 wakeboard designs. Most of the concepts are finished, but of course we always like to see how a design looks on a board before making a design final. The so called “TPU top sheets”, which we received last month, enable us to do so. These sheets, made out of a sort of plastic called TPU (or thermoplastic polyurethane, for anyone interested), are used to print the intended designs on. The printed sheets are then held over a plain board, giving us a clear impression of what a design would look like before actually printing it on a board. For me and Ivo this is always a very cool moment, as it really makes the designs come to live! Hopefully we can show you some actual pictures in the next update…!
Niek & Ivo