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Vote for Jobe rider Freddie Carter!

30 junio 2011
Vote for Jobe rider Freddie Carter!
The ‘Rail Clash’ is a weekly returning section on the popular wakeboard website Regularly, Jobe riders got involved in this head-to-head competition, which resulted in some sick videos!
Earlier this month Jobe pro rider CK competed against Marc Rossiter and this week we have got Jobe rider Freddie Carter competing against Daniel Grant.

The format of this ‘Rail Clash’ is simple: 2 riders go head-to-head on one rail, and take it in turns to do three tricks each.
This is where you come in – You are the judges for the Rail Clash. So when you’ve watched the video, scroll down the page and vote for the rider you think performed the best three tricks.

CLICK HERE to watch the video and vote for Freddie!

Team Jobe!

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