Road To The Sun
10 diciembre 2015
A few weeks ago, Jobe teamrider Marc Besner went to Bali Wakepark. He has send us a trip overview, which we didn’t want to withhold.
Riding: pushing your limits is one of the most important things if you want to keep progressing and have fun on your board! This system was the perfect one for my style of riding and the fun I had on it was just incredible.
Bali wakepark: wakeboarding is becoming more popular everyday... a lot of cableparks open up everywhere in the world and Bali is no exception. This place is just perfect for every type of wakeboarder! Pool parties, full size cable and system 2 plus a really good restaurant! It’s just the perfect place for a wakeboarder to have fun, push his limits and to enjoy the beautiful island! This place was a big part of my trip and I will never forget the good times I had over there.
My journal and passport: I never travel without my journal! I always write my own stories, reflecting on myself, my life and all the things that could happen and would be interesting to remember! When I am 60 years old, I want to read my journal and remember how great my life was!
Lifestyles photos: When you are going somewhere, if it’s for work, exploring or without a specific reason, I think experiencing the differences between cultures is a must! Different mentality, food and good experience are things that will open your mind and make a really big difference between traveling in your comfort zone or not.
Lifestyle: Singapore, the richest city in the world! The complete opposite if you compare it with the rest of Asia. I went over there 4 days for a quick stop. I had no plans and no idea what to do there. I didn’t think about that I was just focussed on living my life and enjoying the moment. So finally, after aweekend getting lost in Singapore, I was happy to have seen all these beautiful things. And I had fun in one of the most beautiful cities I had never seen.
If you want to work on yourself and really know who you are ... you need to leave! Leave your comfort zone, be alone and explore the world with your own eyes.