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Jobe skiers @ swimming pool competition

21 febrero 2011
Jobe skiers @ swimming pool competition
On the 19th until the 20th of February the International Swimming Pool Competition in memory Genov N.L took place in Novopolotsk (Belarus). Professional skiers from all over the world participated in this international competition, including three sponsored Jobe ski riders; Ilya Labkovich, Hanna Straltsova & Katya Kiseliova. Please check the results of the Jobe team members below.

1 place in the group Open Men occupied Labkovich Ilya (JOBE TEAM) on the result 11060. (10 skiers).
1 place in the group Open Ladies occupied Straltsova Hanna (JOBE TEAM) on the result 7530. (4 skiers).
1 place in the group Junior Girls under 15 occupied Kiseliova Katya (JOBE TEAM) on the result 7490. (14 skiers).

Congratulations to all!!

Team Jobe
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