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Jobe Jet skier Christopher Courtois @ The World Championships

9 junio 2011
Last weekend the third round of the Aquabike World Championship took place in Ghisonaccia (Corsica, France).Christopher Courtois became 5th in the Ski Division F1. On the base of the results of his previous races he is now number 3 overall.
The next race is on the 5th and 6th of October in Liuzhou, China.

In the meantime Axel Courtois, Jobe jet skier as well, will participate in the Great Eastern Regional Championship on the 12th of June.

We wish the Courtois brothers all the best!
Jobe Jet skier Christopher Courtois @ The World Championships
Jobe Jet skier Christopher Courtois @ The World Championships Jobe Jet skier Christopher Courtois @ The World Championships

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