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How to pronounce Jobe

11 abril 2011
Since Jobe started in 1974 as a skiing brand is has developed into an international appreciated watersports brand. Waterskis, towables, wetsuits, Jobe is there for you!

The fact that Jobe has grown to be one of the world’s leading brands in the watersports industry is clear! However there is a lot of creative when it comes to pronouncing the brand’s name : JOBE. Some pronounce it as “Djoobie”, others as “Djoop” or “Jobu”.

So to rule out this misunderstanding for once and for all, JOBE is pronounced as “Djo-Bee”

Spread the word!

Team Djoobie ;)

Joe (from Joe Dalton) plus bee equals JOBE
How to pronounce Jobe
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