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Working on something new: the sea scooter

11 december 2019
Our hardgoods product developer Fons is working on something special… The Sea Scooter!

This innovative product will make your life much easier, and this is why: the Sea Scooter is a product which lets you swim in the water with zero effort!
The two motors of the Sea Scooter will pull you through the water effortlessly just by holding it in front of you. It has three speed levels, the fastest speed level will pull you forward with a speed of 7 kilometers per hour.

A full battery will get you forward for at least 30 to 40 minutes on its highest speed and it can be used to depths up to 30 meters below sea level.

Steering can be done in two different ways: Just by holding the Sea Scooter in the wanted direction, or by holding the handles which direct the motors. For example: Releasing the left handle will make you turn to the left. The same story goes up for steering to the right... Piece of cake!

Releasing the left handle will make you turn to the left. The same story goes up for steering to the right... Piece of cake!

The first testing sessions were very positive (and fun to do)! Some small changes will be implemented and the final Sea Scooter will be present in our 2021 collection!

Discovering the underwater world has never been this much fun!

Keep an eye on our blog to follow the development of Fons’ brand new project!

Working on something new: the sea scooter
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