  • Kvalitet og stil i vandsport siden 1974
  • Gratis levering fra 700 kr.
  • Levering inden for 2 dage
  • Bestilt før kl. 12 på arbejdsdage, sendes samme dag
  • Betal senere eller i rater
And get a free waterproof gadget bag!
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This weekend: Dutch Championships

9 september 2011
This weekend (10 and 11 September) the Dutch wakeboard Championship will take place at cable park Down Under Nieuwegein, The Netherlands. Jobe riders are taking part and will compete for the title; Dutch Champion 2011!

Besides a spectacular competition on the water, there will be lots to do ashore. As a partner of this event Jobe will be showcasing the new 2012 wakeboard collection and very important: The Jobe Wake Guide!
So come over this weekend and get your copy of the Jobe Wake Guide 2012!!

Ravensewetering 1
3439 ZZ
Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
Få kode Vogn
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