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Jobe cable events in Belgium

27 august 2013
Last weekend, two cable events were organized in Belgium with Jobe rider Maxine Sapulette. On Friday there was a clinic at BCP (Belgium Cable Park), it was a sunny day with tons of Jobe testers and Maxine was kept busy at all times with her clinic participants. There were even a few people who tried 180’s and raileys and stomped their new tricks! At the end of the day, everybody left with a big smile on their face.
Saturday the second clinic day was planned at the Spin. The day started with glassy flat water and a lot of visitors arriving early. Despite the rainy weather during the day, it was busy and many people wanted to ride with Maxine for some new tips & tricks. Because there were so many stoked riders, the owner decided to open the system 2.0 for the clinic. The day ended with a great BBQ and some drinks.

Thanks to BCP, the Spin, Maxine Sapulette and all the visitors for making this a successful Jobe weekend!
Jobe cable events in Belgium Jobe cable events in Belgium

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