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Antoine Goethals at the World finals in Havasu!

15 october 2014
This year being Antoine’s first year at the IJSBA World Finals, it was an unforgettable time. Antoine really gave the most and after a fierce race, became World Champion Ski Lites Amateur! Following up Antoine ended fifth at the Junior 13-15 years Ski Stock behind 4 Hydro’s with 110 PK, which is an amazing accomplishment! At the Junior 13-15 years Ski Lites, Antoine qualified and after stormy but powerful races he managed to end sixth in this category. Last but not least Antoine competed in the Slalom Junior 10-15 years and became Vice-Champion!

Looking back at last weekend we can look back at a more than successful World finals for Antoine, great work and congrats!

Antoine Goethals at the World finals in Havasu!
Antoine Goethals at the World finals in Havasu!
Antoine Goethals at the World finals in Havasu!

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