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Fitting Fashion on the Internet

16 Februar 2017
Fitting Fashion on the Internet

It may have happened to you: you order a nice T-shirt online and after a few days of waiting, you receive a shirt that just doesn’t fit. So instead of being able to wear your new shirt, which you’ve been so patiently awaiting, you have to send it back and wait for another week until you receive the right size. In the fashion industry, sizing has been found to be the main reason for people to return their online purchases.

To battle this problem, a group of universities, professors, branch organizations, 3D printing and scanning companies, clothing experts and retailers, joined forces in a project called “Fitting Fashion on the Internet”. This government funded project aims to reduce the number of returns in online shopping and to create the optimal shopping experience on web shops. The cool thing is.. I’m part of the project team too! Last Monday I participated in the first team meeting and I already heard some really interesting ideas. I’ll keep you updated on further developments!

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