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  • Läs mer Upcoming weekend: WWA wakepark world championships Upcoming weekend: WWA wakepark world championships  Who will shine. 24 oktober 2016
  • Läs mer The Jobe Pitch The Jobe Pitch Speed and control 12 oktober 2016
  • Läs mer  Zip it baby Zip it baby  Let's make it easy 11 oktober 2016
  • Läs mer No winter blues No winter blues Find out why you should keep paddling all year long 7 oktober 2016
  • Läs mer Wear and tear of your bindings Wear and tear of your bindings  How the EVO handles this problem 7 oktober 2016
  • Läs mer The Jobe-dog whisperer edition The Jobe-dog whisperer edition  How to deal with scared dogs and more fun facts 4 oktober 2016
  • Läs mer Burn baby burn Burn baby burn Don't be a couch potato  3 oktober 2016
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